Our Dentist in Kent WA Wants Kids to Have Strong and Healthy Smiles with the Best Snack Choices

We all love indulging in delicious sweets, chocolates, and candies, and it's no surprise that children are also big fans of these treats. However, too much candy can harm your smile, especially for children with developing baby teeth. That's why our dentist in Kent WA believes it's crucial to establish healthy habits early on to help children avoid cavities, decay, early tooth loss, and other oral health issues.
Candy often finds its way into a child's life in various ways. Sometimes, it's given reflexively to calm an upset child or as a reward for good behavior. While this might seem like a quick fix, we encourage parents to avoid using candy as a default tactic. Instead, educate children on how candy can harm their teeth and why moderation is essential.
Healthier Snack and Drink Options for Children
Fruits and vegetables are some of the best snacks for children, though they might not always be the preferred choice. However, their teeth will benefit from options like bananas, tangerines, carrot sticks, and celery. Other good alternatives include rice cakes and plain popcorn.
Parents might opt for dried fruits because of their convenience and longer shelf life compared to fresh fruits. However, dried fruits are high in sugar and quite sticky, which can lead to bacterial build-up in hard-to-reach areas of the teeth. While they can be a better alternative to candies, they should still be enjoyed less frequently than fresh fruits.
For beverages, it's best to replace sodas and sugary fruit juices with water. Plain milk is also a great option for children. If you're unsure whether whole milk or skimmed milk is better for your child's teeth, don't hesitate to ask us for recommendations.
Protect Your Family's Smile by Limiting Sweets
Regardless of age, candy can negatively impact oral and dental health. It's especially important to take care of children's baby teeth to ensure a healthy foundation for their adult teeth. Neglecting oral hygiene during childhood can put adult teeth at risk for cavities and decay.
If you want more tips on protecting your child's smile, including advice on food, drinks, and habits, feel free to call our Kent dentist at Choice Family Dentistry at 253-630-8686 today.